Compiled and written by:
Dr. B.L. Rice, Ph.D.
© January 7, 1994 USA
Compiled and written by:
Dr. B.L. Rice, Ph.D.
© January 7, 1994 USA
Welcome to the Study Course of “The Acts of the Missionaries!” In this study we will take a close look at The Book of Acts beginning with Chapter 13 through Chapter 28. We will study the Acts of the Apostles as they are “sent forth” as Missionaries; We will also spend much time with Paul and his missionary journey’s. Our goal for this season of study will be to broaden your scope of thinking about missions, to inspire and motivate you into active missionary work, which can be done every day of your life. Your Mission field may be in the Market Place (your job), in your home, among your family, in your neighborhood; there are so many places that need the Light of Christ to push back the darkness and allow the Holy Ghost to bring forth life. You are a Living Epistle being read of your co-workers every day. You may be the only Gospel they will ever here or see! God help us to press against the devil’s territory and be a Missionary, “one sent” of the Lord to bring Light
Welcome to the Study Course of "The Acts of the Missionaries!" In this study we will take a close look at The Book of Acts beginning with Chapter 13 through Chapter 28. We will study the Acts of the Apostles as they are "sent forth" as Missionaries
Tradition tells us that Cerinthus was the leader of the "Law-Party;" and sought diligently to unite the Law and the Gospel. He wanted Salvation to be embraced by keeping the "Ceremonial Law" of Moses. It seemed appropriate to let the objecting party have their say. It gave the Apostle the opportunity to answer their arguments by proving such was a bondage, useless and unscriptural not to mention impractical for the Gentiles.
The Apostles and Elders came together to consider this matter. In this private meeting there was yet a further discussion of the matter. Following the words of dispute, Peter arose to state his position.
Paul comes to Corinth and becomes acquainted with and developed a great friendship and co-worker relationship with "Aquila and Priscilla: